ISSN 2521-7011(Print),ISSN 2520-7237(Online)
Patent Mapping
Competition Annual Proceeding
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2022 International Symposium Series


AI & Big Data Analytics & Blockchain & NFT on IP Monetization and Tokenization


講題:专利运营的商業模式 Patent Monetization Business Model

主講人:英國皇家化學會王美心院士Prof. Mei-Hsin Wang

引言人: 台灣棒球名人堂協會理事長莊國明律師


講題:专利货币化股權化 Patent Monetization & Tokenization

主講人:英國皇家化學會王美心院士Prof. Mei-Hsin Wang

引言人: 台灣棒球名人堂協會理事長莊國明律師



AI & Big Data Analytics on IP Monetization – Global Foundry v TSMC

主講人:英國皇家化學會王美心院士Prof. Mei-Hsin Wang

引言人: 台灣棒球名人堂協會理事長莊國明律師



Campus employing AI & Big Data Analytics on IP management–Hong Kong University

主講人:英國皇家化學會王美心院士Prof. Mei-Hsin Wang

引言人: 台灣棒球名人堂協會理事長莊國明律師



Corporate employing AI & Big Data Analytics on IP management

主講人:英國皇家化學會王美心院士Prof. Mei-Hsin Wang

引言人: 台灣棒球名人堂協會理事長莊國明律師



AI & Big Data Analytics on Trademark management

主講人:英國皇家化學會王美心院士Prof. Mei-Hsin Wang

引言人: 台灣棒球名人堂協會理事長莊國明律師




主講人:英國皇家化學會王美心院士Prof. Mei-Hsin Wang

引言人: 台灣棒球名人堂協會理事長莊國明律師



-以联发科、Intellectual Discovery、LOT、NTT DOCOMO为例-


主講人:英國皇家化學會王美心院士Prof. Mei-Hsin Wang

引言人: 台灣棒球名人堂協會理事長莊國明律師



-以联发科、Intellectual Discovery、LOT、NTT DOCOMO为例-


主講人:英國皇家化學會王美心院士Prof. Mei-Hsin Wang

引言人: 台灣棒球名人堂協會理事長莊國明律師


Topic : Monetization Patent Portfolio through AI & Big Data

Speaker: Prof. Mei-Hsin Wang英國皇家化學會王美心院士

Moderator: Dr hab. Jakub Kepinski

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland


Topic : How Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Predictive Analytics Change the Patent Ecosystem

Speaker: Prof. Mei-Hsin Wang英國皇家化學會王美心院士

Moderator: Prof. Dr. jur. Christoph Ann , Technische Universität München

School of Management's Chair of Corporate and IP


Topic : AI & Big Data Analytics applied on Patent Quality and Value Validation

-Case study on Nanotech and Biotech-

Speaker: Prof. Mei-Hsin Wang英國皇家化學會王美心院士

Moderator: Prof. Dr. jur. Christoph Ann, Technische Universität München

School of Management's Chair of Corporate and IP


Seminar : IP Tandem - Seminar on IP and Digital Technology

Speaker: Prof. Mei-Hsin Wang英國皇家化學會王美心院士

Moderator & Speaker: Prof. Barna Arnold Keserű ,Széchenyi István University &

Prof. Péter Mezei, University of Szeged, Hungary


Topic:2022 Intellectula Property Progress in Europe

Speaker: Prof. Judge Thomas J.R. Voit, Germany Federal Patent Court

Moderator: Prof. Mei-Hsin Wang英國皇家化學會王美心院士


Topic: The roadmap of legendary IP practice combined heritage and modern services

Speaker: Mr. Andrea Tiburzi, Barzano & Zanardo, Italy

Moderator: Prof. Mei-Hsin Wang英國皇家化學會王美心院士


Teaching and research involved in Artificial Intelligence & Big Data Predicting applications on IP

Speaker: Prof. Mei-Hsin Wang英國皇家化學會王美心院士

Moderator: Prof. Mag. Dr. Phillipp Homar, Johannes Kepler University Linz

Prof. Clemens Appl, Academic Director of the Center for Intellectual Property, Media and Innovation Law at Danube-University Krems

M593755磁力紅外護膝Magnetic Far-Infrared Knee Pad
M593756磁力紅外護腿套Magnetic Far-Infrared Thigh Sleeve
M593760磁力紅外腳跟墊Magnetic Far-Infrared Heel Pad
M593763磁力紅外護肩Magnetic Far-Infrared Shoulder Pad
M593831磁力紅外指套Magnetic Far-Infrared Finger Sleeves
M593843磁力紅外眼罩Magnetic Far-Infrared Eye Mask
M593876磁力紅外髮箍The Hair Hoops with Magnetic Material and Far Infrared Material
M593877磁力紅外護肩Magnetic Far-Infrared Shoulder Pad
M593878磁力紅外腰帶Magnetic Far-Infrared Belt
M593879磁力紅外護頸Magnetic Far-Infrared Neck Protection
M593881磁力紅外口罩Magnetic Far-Infrared Mask
M593885磁力組合墊The Combination Pad with Magnetic Material
M593890磁力紅外護肘Magnetic Far-Infrared Elbow Pad
M594159磁療星座眼鏡夾The Magnetic Clip for Glasses with Constellation Design
M594867磁力紅外護膝Magnetic Far-Infrared Knee Pad
M594869磁力紅外小腿塑型套Magnetic Far-Infrared Calf Sleeve
M594961磁力遠紅外頭套Magnetic Far-Infrared Wig
M594962 磁力紅外矯正腳套墊Magnetic Far-Infrared Foot Pad
For questions about professional consultation, please feel free to contact us, thank you.

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